Split-screen mode might not seem all that new since it's already available in several OEM editions (the Universe Observe, for example, has involved it for several years now). But now it's available as a inventory function and may be arriving at your system soon gradually maybe.
Split-screen performs in image and scenery ways. When you have one app start, you can at the same time accessibility another app by long-pressing the latest applications key (the little rectangle one) to immediate a slide carousel of applications on the part. (You'll realize that once you get into split-screen method, the latest applications key converts into a new burger symbol.) You have some restricted capability to re-size ms windows (but only in image mode?). You can quit spit-screen by pulling the hurdle all the way to one part or long-pressing on the latest applications key. Not all applications yet perform together with split-screen. For example (and quite surprisingly), the Look for engines Look for app does not perform perfectly with split-screen (but you deal with that by long-pressing on the home key for Look for engines on Tap).