Everyone wants to do Funny WhatsApp status update quickly. But can't find short phrase to update in short time on WhatsApp. Here are unique and different short phrase to update your funny status. We want to update funny status whenever we free. There a lot of funny status to update now.
👩 I'm beautiful...do you know?
👀 I love you very fake. Please believe on fake people!
👂 I'm different because I sleep in the night.
💀 I know you, but I've never seen you in my life.
😜 Don't laugh at me because I'm joking.
😱 What you mean by sorry!
😠 Seen thousands like you. Who are you?
💚 Do love job when on vacations because work is must.
👍 I'll never come, please wait!
🙋 Indefinitely, how are you?
🙍 I miss you in sleep mode.
🙈 Open eyes and get sleep.
😜 Close your mouth and tell true.
👉 I wanna secret fashion please help me.
😎 You are good but nothing is good in you.
😨 Do walk on foot in the bus.
😳 I don't want to go anywhere, so I have to go.
😄 I'm a brave weak men listen carefully.
🙉 I do not use salt because I need salt.
😘 Don't sleep when you need to sleep.
👫 Sleeping is my best hobby. So, would you like to friendship with me.
👥 Let's go, I have a bicycle in my book.
👨 I am very intelligent, so I have to copy in exams.
👳 You can do a bad thing if you are a good man.